September 30, 2005

Trouble vs Tribble-ations A scene-by-scene deconstruction of how digital video artists repurposed parts of the ST:TOS episode "The Trouble with Tribbles" to create the ST:DS9 episode "Trials and Tribble-ations" 30 years later. Mmmmm, Trekky goodness...

September 22, 2005

Body Issues, Man-Style Wherein one man spends much money and time too look "better." via Towleroad. more inside

September 06, 2005

Sayonara, Little Buddy Gilligan has just left the building.

September 01, 2005

Suicide prevention thru fashion From their page: "No successful suicides are known to have been committed using these items." Don't the models look thrilled? via boingboing

August 31, 2005

Tom Cruise is Totally Fucking Nuts "When I was languishing in prison before being sent to exile, [Katie Holmes] used to send me notes hidden in the collar of her pug dog." "I really would have preferred being a brain surgeon or a research scientist in this life." "[Brooke Shields] was the mistress of Sigmund Freud, you know. Is it any wonder she promotes his discredited theories? She's so confused." ...and other pearls of utter in(s)anity... sorry, seems like a slow day, thought this might cause mirth...

August 23, 2005

Live Music ONLY! Turkmenbashi has been having a cultural field day today. First he banned lip syching and then went on to ban recorded music. This is hot on the heels of his banning opera and ballet, all in the effort to prevent negative influences upon (what's left of) Turkmen culture. That, or he is trying to help eradicate Ashlee Simpson's alleged career....

August 22, 2005

Engadget: 1985 A page from the venerable Engadget BBS service from 20 years ago today.

August 16, 2005

ROAR! If this article is true (and the Beeb never lies), I won't be driving my MINI through any safari/game preserves any time soon. If you, too, have a MINI or a smart, you might want to avoid going on safari too...

August 15, 2005

ROBOKITTY! (warning, QuickTime required.) via.

August 11, 2005

100 people who are screwing up America When the list starts with Michael Moore and doesn't even include G.W. Bush... via
Worst. Excuse. Evar. If one has a phobia of being in a car with someone else driving, why would one become an instructon/tester for the DMV? And how does groping underaged breasts help with said phobia?

August 05, 2005

WaterFireplace Instant fire, just add water.

August 04, 2005

Alas, we hardly knew ye This list of seven companies that should have made it in the Internet economy seems a bit lacking to me. What 'net company/service do you miss the most or feel didn't live up to your expectations? For me, it's Kozmo, despite their idiotic business plan and ludicrous expansion attempts. They were the ultimate in (near-) instant gratification. via.

August 03, 2005

Mixed Messages This article on about Rafael Palmiero's suspension from baseball for using steroids includes prominent text ads to buy Stanozolol. Nice editorial integrity, huh?

July 27, 2005

Cumming: The Fragrance

July 26, 2005

Dance Dance Immolation Straight outta Black Rock City!

July 25, 2005

[insert enemy target here] Why bother getting real quotes from real Iraqis when you can just make one up, even though it's in pure military jargon, and attribute it repeatedly to "an unidentified Iraqi?" Also spotted on the blue, but posted here in the hopes of engendering less sniping and snark and encouraging intelligent discourse. more inside

July 21, 2005

Death to all pitt bulls! Denver is taking any dog that looks like a pit bull away from its owners and euthanizing it. While I am horrified by the terrible mauling stories that are in the news, I have also known several pit bulls who were wonderful dogs, great fun to be around, and never once made me feel unsafe. more inside

July 10, 2005

Jumping the Wall Danny Way jumped over the Great Wall of China 4 times on his skateboard, becoming the first person to jump the wall without a motorized vehicle. While I agree this is not really worthy of a FPP, I think the fact that the article mentions that China has a Minister of Extreme Sports does. I wonder how you say "Dude!" in Chinese?

July 05, 2005

The question on all of our minds: Martha Stewart's prison nickname revealed... more inside
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